About Pier Improvement Programme



Public Pier VS Ferry Pier

Public Pier

It is primarily open to the public for embarking and disembarking passengers, as well as transferring cargo to and from the vessels. However, no vessel berthing is allowed.

Ferry Pier

It is primarily used for vessel berthing and embarking and disembarking passengers.

What are the tips to use public pier?
  • Do not get on/off while the vessel is still moving
  • Use a safe means of access to embark or disembark from the vessel and take care of the elderly, children, and people in need
  • Never go beyond the railings of the pier for the sake of safety
  • Beware of slippery floor
  • Be considerate and always keep clean
What are the highlights of the piers after improvement?

Facilities would be provided in the piers if considered appropriate and practically feasible, such as:

Barrier-free Facilities

  • Braille map
  • Tactile guide path
  • Tactile warning strip
  • Ramps

Renewable Energy

  • Solar panels
  • Lighting systems

Wi-Fi Service

  • Wi-Fi hotspots

Floating Pontoons

Visual display panels


What are the floating pontoons used for?

Floating pontoons can move vertically and steadily along with the tide level to maintain a constant freeboard with the vessels. Hence, it can facilitate the safe use of the pier by the vessels and the public at different times.

Will floating pontoons drift around randomly?

Due to the movement limitation imposed by the four piles located at the corners of the floating pontoon, the pontoon will only rise or fall with the tides and will not drift laterally.