Hong Kong is a city with over 200 islands and abundant natural landscape.
To bid farewell to the bustling city and explore the countryside, many visitors choose to embark on their journey through water transport. Public piers therefore become the indispensable facilities that make island-hopping more convenient for tourists. Along the coastal areas in Hong Kong, there are still fishermen working around. While nearby regions are inhabited by villagers, most of them rely on piers and vessels to commute. Hence, public piers are also crucial to villagers and fishermen.
The government has implemented the Pier Improvement Programme (PIP) in recent years, aiming to improve public piers in remote rural areas of the New Territories and the outlying islands in phases and enhance accessibility to scenic and natural heritage attractions, as well as meeting the basic needs of local villagers that rely on boats as their major transport mode and supports fishermen's operational needs.
The feasibility study, design and construction work for the first and second phases of the PIP, which covers 23 public piers in total, have been progressively commenced.